For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

GSM Intercessory Guideline - Please Pray








9 Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10 and said, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? 11 And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time. “And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. 12 Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord.  (Acts 13:9-12).


  1. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree your vengeance upon every agent of the devil resisting the continuous growth of GSM and let the effect of this be evident in all our services this year and beyond in Jesus name (Isaiah, 63:4)

  2. Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every plan and purpose of hell against the Church growth agenda for the year and let the effect be manifested in all our services all through this year and beyond, in Jesus name (Isaiah 14:24).

  3. Father in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every agent of the devil and his cohorts against the full delivery of the Church growth agenda for the year and let this result in an invasion of unprecedented multitudes in all our services this year and beyond, in Jesus name (Job.22:27).

  4. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree that every imagination of the agents of the devil against the continuous growth  of GSM fall on their own heads resulting into continuous influx of multitudes into GSM this year and yonder in Jesus name (Job 5:12).

  5. Father in the name of Jesus, we decree null and void every operation of principalities and powers of darkness against the continuous growth of GSM, thereby, invading GSM with masses this year and yonder in Jesus name (Isaiah, 8:9-10)

  6. Father in the name of Jesus, and by the blood of the everlasting covenant, we decree vengeance upon all the gods of the land resisting the continuous growth of this church, resulting in supernatural multiplications this year and beyond in the name of Jesus (Exodus, 12:12).

  7. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every contention of hell against the ongoing revival be visited with divine vengeance, ensuing the influx of record-breaking multitudes this year and beyond in Jesus name (Isaiah 49:25-26)

  8. Father, in the name of Jesus, arise and scatter every confederacy and gang up against the continuous growth of GSM, thereby, turning this ministry into a city without walls this year and yonder, in Jesus name (Psalm 68:1-2)

  9. Father in the name of Jesus, rain up on all agents of the devil arrayed against GSM, snare, fire and brimstone, thereby silencing them endlessly, in Jesus name (Psalm 11:6).

  10. Father, in the name of Jesus, wherever the agents of the devil gather to plan any hurt against GSM and the individual members, let the fire of God descend to consume them, resulting in massive invasion of souls this year and beyond, in Jesus name (Isaiah 54:15).

  11. Father, in the name of Jesus, plead the cause of GSM and fight against them that fight against her continuous growth resulting in the influx of record-breaking multitudes this year and beyond in Jesus name (Psalm 35:1)

  12. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree the destruction of every spell, curse and enchantment against the glorious destiny of our new converts and new members in this ministry this year and beyond, in the name of Jesus (Colossians 2:14-15)

  13. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everything mocking the glorious destiny of every member of GSM be judged in the mighty of Jesus Christ (2Kings 2:23-24)

  14. Farther in the name of Jesus, we invoke the vengeance of the Holy Ghost upon all resistances of the devil against the salvation of souls of the lost across our harvest field and let the effect be manifested all through this and beyond in the Jesus (Psalm 94:1)

  15. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree judgment against the gods of the land and all satanic manipulation targeted at stalling the growth of GSM resulting in the invasion of multitudes for life, in Jesus name (Exodus, 12:12)

  16. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree judgement against all evil beasts in the land seeking to scatter the flock of Christ in this Ministry this year and for life, in Jesus name (Ezekiel, 34:25)

  17. Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the Holy Ghost, silence the voice seeking to manipulate people from coming to Christ and GSM, thereby resulting in the supernatural multiplication all through this year and beyond in Jesus name (Titus 1:10-11)

  18. Father, in the name of Jesus, by the mystery of the Passover blood, we invoke speedy judgement upon all the forces of hell holding people down and restraining them from getting saved across our harvest field this year and beyond in Jesus name (Exodus, 12:12-13)

  19. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every force delaying the release of noiseless breakthrough order of testimonies of every GSM member in this revival be destroyed in the name of Jesus (2 Thessalonians, 2:8)

  20. Father, in the name of Jesus, silence every evil counsellor, manipulating our new converts from being established in this Ministry and let the effect seen all through this year and beyond in Jesus name (Exodus, 11:1)

  21.  Father, in the name of Jesus, prepare Your instrument of death against every unrepentant agent of the devil seeking to destroy any member of GSM, this beyond in Jesus (Psalm 7:12-13)

  22. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the fire of the Holy Ghost consume every agent of the devil seeking to frustrate the full delivery of the Ministry Growth Agenda for the year and beyond in Jesus name (Hebrews, 12:29)

  23. Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy every satanic oppression, tormenting any of our new converts and new members all through this year and beyond; so, they can be established both in the faith and in the Ministry in Jesus name (Psalm, 10:15)

  24. Father, in the name of Jesus, strike at the wicked and deliver all challenged GSM members, new converts, new members and members to be from their wickedness, thereby establishing them in this Ministry (Psalm 7:9)

Jesus is Lord!

Kunle & Ayobola Olusegun-Emmanuel 
